We all know the routine. We work hard. We play hard. We make lists of what has to be done right now. What’s not on the list? Taking care of yourself. We always forget to take care of ourselves because we are too busy taking care of other people ... our family, our work, our boss ... and the list goes on. Too often we skip a doctor’s visit or ignore symptoms because we’re just too busy. And that’s a big mistake, maybe even a fatal one. This goes for both male and female.
There are a multitude of products targeted to maintain that youthful glow, but why not start the anti-aging process from within? Free radicals, which are unstable molecules, can wreak havoc on the body, causing serious problems like osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease. As we age, we become more prone to the damaging effects of free radicals.
Antioxidants, found in several types of foods and nutrients, can combat the negative effects of free radicals. Thus, it is recommended that you increase your daily intake of:
· Fruits and vegetables – rich in antioxidants
· Fatty fish – high in omega-3
· Whole grains – soluble fibres reduce cholesterol levels
· Nuts – maintain skin’s structural integrity
· Yoghurt – increases good bacteria in the gut
· Water – for hydration
Wow... all that to be taken daily? How is that possible? We are busy people, sometimes we don’t have the time.
So, how can we ensure the intake of optimum nutrients daily for us to combat free radicals?
There is a way and it’ll not just ensure that you get your daily nutrients that your body needs to combat free radicals, but it’ll help you stay healthy, gives your energy and keeps you in good shape. All it takes is just 1 Herbalife F1 nutritious Cellular Nutrition shake (rich in 55 nutrients, 18 amino acids, herbs & fibers) & at least 2 liters of Herbalife TeaMix (rich in antioxidants) a day to stay healthy and on top of your game!
Curious? Interested? Wanna know more? Then leave a comment here to show your interest or call/sms me, Fazz at 019-2603806 or email me at ssnutrihut@gmail.com. Or you can just drop by Seri Saraf Nutrition Hut for more info.
You'll never know the benefits of Herbalife Shapeworks until you try it for yourself. Cheers!
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